Czasowy punkt kotwiczenia na rusztowania Możliwość montowania punktu kotwiczącego na standardowej rurze od rusztowania

Item Number: 2002700
Scaffold Anchor Roundsling
  • Znakowany kolorystycznie by zapewnić prawidłową instalację i użytkowanie
  • Zaczep taśmowy poliestrowy o obwodzie zamkniętym, pokryte rękawem tekstylnym
  • Minimalna siła zrywająca (MBS) 70 kN
  • Wyposażone w przejrzystą instrukcję oraz deklaracje zgodności, indywidualny
  • Numer seryjny
  • Zawiera kieszonkowy przewodnik kontrolny
  • Opatrzone znakiem CE na podstawie zgodności z normami EN566 i EN795

When you’re trusting your life to an anchor, it wants to be the best!

SpanSet invented the roundsling over 50 years ago, commonly known as ‘spansets’ and a trusted, familiar sight today across many industries. We have been continually improving, developing and manufacturing our roundsling range ever since.

As experts in both Lifting and Height Safety and with close working partnerships within the scaffolding industry, designing an anchor for scaffolders was an obvious move.

Wrappa is strong.  It has a breaking strength of 7 tonne - the European Standard EN795 is 1.2 tonne!  This offers a high safety margin for error, especially when combined with the knowledge a Wrappa with damage to the outer sleeve would be discarded before damage to the internal load bearing fibres.  Wrappa therefore always retains 100% of its 7 tonne strength in use.

Wrappa does the job.  For over 20 years, a Wrappa has been the temporary anchor point of choice, providing scaffolders with a safe, lightweight and convenient solution to the problem of placing high, reliable anchor points when erecting and dismantling scaffold.

Product Technical Information

  • Norms: EN 795: 2012
  • Lifespan: 10 yr.
  • UV Protection: Sleeved
  • Label Protection: Yes
  • Colour: Purple
  • Main Material: Polyester
  • Individually Serial Numbered: Yes
  • Individual Certificate: Yes
  • Multilingual User Instruction Manual: Yes
  • Packaging Unit (PU): pcs
  • Packaging Unit (PU) Content: 1
  • Dimension L: 0.6 m

Technical Drawings