SpanSet Equipment Inspection Services
European Standards dictate that all items of PPE for work at height and all safety systems undergo a periodic examination by a competent person. To ensure compliance SpanSet can offer an inspection, service and repair for Height Safety, Lifting and Load Control equipment.
Maintaining and Managing Safety for your business
All products, irrespective of their quality, must be maintained in a serviceable condition in order to perform as designed. A competent inspector combined with an effective asset management tool in IDXpert Net provides you with a robust inspection regime.
Your inspection with SpanSet
You can choose from two packages with different combinations of services to suit your business needs. Whichever approach you decide on, you can be assured of SpanSet's continued support and global expertise in lifting and height safety.
SpanSet Equipment Inspection Services
Is the SpanSet Pay As You Go Equipment Inspection Service for you
SpanSet Pay as You Go is for those who need a helping hand
If you've had an incident on site and not got the know how
If you are missing the right resources or just not got the time
Yet you still need to inspect that key item of equipment to get back to work
Is a SpanSet Equipment Inspection Managed Contract for you
Do you need help managing your inspections resources
Do you have a large volume of equipment to control
Do you operate over several sites
Then SpanSet can help you plan and carry out your inspections.