We design, manufacture and supply equipment for industry and offer a wide range of Installation, Training and Inspection services, all backed by SpanSet’s technical expertise and support.
Our SpanSet Team are therefore in an ideal position to offer customers a comprehensive consultation service, helping business mitigate risks, ensure Safe Systems of Work are in place and workforces are safe.
Contact our team today to discuss how SpanSet Consultation Services can help your business with the following:
Work at Height Scenarios

Confined Spaces Provisions

Rescue Planning

Ensuring safe working practices – Safe Systems of Work (SSOW) or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
SpanSet offer a range of Consultation/Surveying Services from free targeted safety audits, including basic reports through to chargeable, full SSOW surveys which include detailed reports.
A safe system of work is a documented procedure that enables a task to be conducted safely and efficiently. SpanSet's technical team helps customers in complying with legislation, regulations and implementing best practice.
Using our experience and expertise in the design, testing, manufacture and use of equipment we assess the activity and any current procedures and equipment in use, identify the risks to personnel, equipment and infrastructure and the control measures required to mitigate or reduce these risks.
Upon completion of the assessment, we set out a safe system of work detailing:
The personnel and competence/training required
The equipment needed to safely conduct the activity
A step by step procedure of the work process

Risk Assessments, Method Statements (RAMS) & Rescue Planning
Those conducting Risk Assessments need to be properly equipped with the correct training and experience, know how to identify and mitigate risks and correctly identify which level on the hierarchy of measures to carry out a job most safely.
The Work at Height Regulations 2005 require employers to make specific provisions for emergency planning and rescue. It is essential that there is a specific rescue plan and adequate resources in place for each worksite where work at height is carried out. These should be regularly assessed and updated where necessary. Resources should include not only equipment but also personnel who have been trained in the use of that equipment.
As manufacturers of a wide range of Height Safety equipment, including the Gotcha Rescue Kits and as Rescue Training providers for over 25 years, SpanSet have a wealth of knowledge to help customers with Risk Assessments, Method Statements and Rescue Planning.

Competence and Training
Competence - the combination of training, skills, experience and knowledge that a person has and their ability to apply them to perform a task safely. SpanSet offer comprehensive Training Services – we are industry leaders, training over 25,000 candidates annually online, on site, at our Training Centre in Middlewich Cheshire and throughout the UK.

Providing the correct equipment and the support to use it safely.
Established for over 50 years, SpanSet design, manufacture and supply a wide range of Height Safety, Lifting & Load Control equipment including fully installed safety systems. All backed by SpanSet support and technical expertise.

Ongoing Inspection and Maintenance
SpanSet are safety equipment specialists and hold a comprehensive range of spares for ease of replacement and repair.
Our highly trained Inspectors have extensive industry experience offering a consistently high standard of inspection.
SpanSet use IDXpert Asset Management. All items are RFID tagged to digitally trace the exact time, inspector, location, and duration of inspection for full accountability with records maintained for future reference.

Examples of some of the businesses SpanSet have helped:

One of the UK’s largest Supermarkets: SpanSet provided a SSOW for rooftop access enabling various work activities to be completed safely – roof repairs, air conditioning unit maintenance, gutter cleaning and so on. Permanent safety systems were installed, the correct work at height PPE provided and relevant training given.

Oakley Horseboxes: After an in-depth survey of Oakley’s factory and various aspects of working at height, Phil Ganner an expert in vehicle height safety, recommended the installation of SpanSet’s overhead Horizontal Safety line system above the assembly bays. A full range of fall arrest blocks, harnesses and work position lanyards were also recommended as was the necessary training and annual inspections.

Nuclear Industry: SpanSet have recently provided Safe Systems of Work and access solutions for the maintenance of an overhead crane in a reactor building.

Defence Equipment: SpanSet consulted on a load restraint system scheme designed to enable the safe transportation of offshore raiding craft by air. Following on from this successful project our team was called upon to use their expertise to help resolve further load restraint issues - this time the safe transportation of the craft on a trailer by road.

Simon Mitchell - Technical Consultant
SpanSet provide time for team members to sit on various committees and industry bodies. Simon Mitchell (left) sits on both WAHSA and the BSI standards committee. Rob Hinton (right)sits on the IPAF committee.