Obituary Hans-Otto von Danwitz
On June 12, 2021, our former and long-time employed sales manager and authorized signatory of SpanSet GmbH & Co. KG as well as former managing director of SpanSet secutex GmbH Hans-Otto von Danwitz, captain at sea, at the age of 83.
His personality was characterized by helpfulness, reliability and humanity. As a result, he earned a high level of recognition and esteem from everyone inside and outside our group of companies.
Through his actions over more than three decades, Hans Otto von Danwitz left a lasting mark on the positive development of our companies. As a pioneer of textile lifting and lashing equipment, he coined the motto "Strong as steel but light and handy". In the mid-1970s, as a captain, he supplied many millions of cloverleaf slings made of webbing to the shipping industry for faster handling of bagged goods such as wheat, cocoa or cement. Lashing straps for securing cars on car transporters were developed under his leadership and have long been standard today. The factory representative structure he established is still proving its worth today. He will be remembered as the intellectual father of the "Service in Partnership" sales organization. He was a recipient of the DIN pin of honor, head of the DIN standards committee for lifting straps, round slings and lashing straps, and a champion of standardization in Germany and Europe.
We mourn the death of Hans-Otto von Danwitz and will always honor his memory. Our deepest sympathy goes to his family and all his relatives.