Einfaches Handling: Kantenschutz mit Klettverschluss
Übach-Palenberg, 07. Januar 2025 – SpanSet hat sein Programm an Schutzprodukten für textile Anschlagmittel erweitert. Der NoCut®Wrap wurde für den flexiblen Einsatz an der scharfen Kante entwickelt ....weiterlesen
Nachhaltiger Materialeinsatz in der Intralogistik
Mehrweg für Fass-Sicherung
Die Sicherung von Ladeeinheiten aus Fass und Palette ist für die Anbieter von Mehrwegsystemen ein schwieriges Terrain. Das weiß man auch bei SpanSet. Dennoch registriert der Spezialist für Ladungssicherung vor allem im Bereich der Intralogistik ein wachsendes Interesse für das ressourcenschonende System BarrelXafe ....weiterlesen
Rundschlinge mit „elastischer Haut“ als Schutzschlauch
SpanSet hat seine Schwerlastrundschlinge Magnum®Plus mit einem elastischen Schutzschlauch versehen. Der wesentliche Vorteil findet im Namen Magnum®Plus Flex seinen Ausdruck. Auch in einem schmalen Haken entstehen kaum Falten, da der Schlauch der natürlichen Ausdehnung des Geleges folgt ....weiterlesen
Ladungssicherung: Zurr-App jetzt vom TÜV Süd geprüft
Korrekte Ladungssicherung leicht gemacht. Die Zurr-App von SpanSet ermittelt, wie viele bzw. welche Zurrgurte für die konkrete Anforderung (Ladungssicherung) erforderlich sind. Dass die Rechnungen aufgehen, bestätigt jetzt der TÜV Süd ....weiterlesen
SpanSet auf der IAA 2024
Die IAA Transportation 2024 steht vor der Tür und verspricht, wieder ein Höhepunkt im Veranstaltungskalender zu werden. Vom 17.09 bis zum 22.09.2024 werden auf der IAA-Transportation in Hannover die neuesten Trends und Innovationen der Nutzfahrzeugbranche präsentiert. Als eine der führenden Fachmessen in diesem Bereich zieht die IAA Transportation jährlich Tausende von Fachbesuchern, Ausstellern und Experten aus der ganzen Welt an ....weiterlesen
Transportsicherung von Pkw und Lkw auf Straßenfahrzeugen
Neue VDI-Richtlinie betrifft Zurrmittel, Radvorleger und Fahrzeug
Übach-Palenberg, 4. Juni 2024 – Voraussichtlich am 1. September dieses Jahres tritt die überarbeitete VDI 2700 in Kraft. Die Richtlinie befasst sich mit der Ladungssicherung von Pkw und Lkw auf Straßenfahrzeugen. Sie definiert den Stand der Technik, was nicht zuletzt bei Polizeikontrollen und Gerichtsverhandlungen von erheblicher Relevanz sein wird. Der Ladungssicherungs-Spezialist SpanSet hat Anfang Juni die Fachwelt zu einer Informationsveranstaltung eingeladen. Andrang und Informationsbedarf waren groß .... weiterlesen
„Setzen Sie die VDI 2700 ganz oben auf Ihre Agenda“
Voraussichtlich im Sommer dieses Jahres wird der Weißdruck der neuen VDI-Richtlinie 2700 (Blatt 8, 8.1 und 8.2) veröffentlicht. Dann gilt ihr Inhalt als anerkannte Regel der Technik. Es geht darum, wie Pkw sowie leichte und schwere Nutzfahrzeuge auf Transportern zu sichern sind beziehungsweise welche technischen Bedingungen Zurrsysteme, Fahrbahnbleche und Radvorleger erfüllen müssen. Unsere Redaktion sprach hierzu mit Hans-Josef Neunfinger. Er ist Sprecher des VDI-Richtlinienausschusses, der sich mehrere Jahre mit dem Themenkomplex befasst hat .... weiterlesen
Kein MHD für Hebebänder und Rundschlingen, aber …
Frage: Wie viele Jahre darf man ein Hebeband oder eine Rundschlinge verwenden? Gegenfrage: Wie lange darf ein Auto am Straßenverkehr teilnehmen? Antwort auf beide Fragen: So lange, wie die technischen und sicherheitsrelevanten Voraussetzungen nachweislich erfüllt sind. – Bei diesem Thema gibt es einiges zu beachten. Was man wissen sollte, erklärt dieser Gastbeitrag .... weiterlesen
„Ohne Antirutschmatte ist wie barfuß auf dem Eis“
Straßen sind nur im Winter spiegelglatt. Ladeflächen hingegen präsentieren sich das ganze Jahr über als gefährliche Schlitterbahnen. Was dem Fahrzeug die gescheite Bereifung ist, das ist dem Laderaum die Antirutschmatte. Eigentlich dürfte das hinlänglich bekannt sein. Aber Frachtführer ....weiterlesen
New warehouse location in Langenfeld
SpanSet streamlines and accelerates logistics
Übach-Palenberg, 25 May 2023 - SpanSet has converted the former Axzion production site in Langenfeld into a dispatch warehouse. The logistical processes are significantly accelerated and the packaging is more sustainable. The boss in the warehouse is a young master craftswoman for warehouse logistics more
SpanSet secures energy supply for production and offices
What happens when no more gas flows?
SpanSet's production in Übach-Palenberg needs a lot of it, especially in the dyeing plant. The offices are also heated with natural gas. To be prepared for possible supply bottlenecks, three tanks for propane gas have now been installed on the company premises. We have taken precautions so that we can continue production even in the event of a complete loss of natural gas supply and do not have to freeze in the office." more
Load securing: saving costs and time
"Oversizing that does no one any good"
When lashing down, the main thing is the pre-tensioning force that presses the load downwards (Standard Tension Force, STF, see info box). Shippers, hauliers and drivers know this. Nevertheless, lashing straps with a lower STF are more in demand than those with a higher one. And this despite the fact that the more suitable versions are cheaper. - A curiosity that we talked about with Ralf Schmitz from SpanSet Product more
SpanSet seminar offer 2023
"by professionals for professionals"
At the Safety Training Centre (STZ) in Übach-Palenberg, experienced and certified instructors/application technicians will provide you with practical, up-to-date knowledge on the topics of height safety, lifting technology, load safety and professional driver more
Heavy-duty round sling MagnumForce Green from SpanSet CO2 footprint reduced
Übach-Palenberg, August 2022 - A first in the history of SpanSet. For the first time, the company from Übach-Palenberg has brought a heavy-duty round sling to market maturity whose scrim consists of a renewable base material. SpanSet uses the bio-based high-performance fibre to produce the MagnumForce Green heavy-duty round sling with nominal capacities of 10,000 to 100,000 more
Load safety: What does “conforming to the norm” mean?
Considering a dilemma when labelling lashing systems
Are we allowed to use products labelled with the GS approval mark, which at the same time show the notice “conforming to the norm” as if they were properly approved safe-to-use products or tools respectively? The answer is: Yes! However, the notice “conforming to the norm” causes a feeling of unease. Now is the time to provide information about its background, to interpret the present norm and to adjust it as soon as possible.... read more
SpanSet Axzion GmbH focuses on safety with Verton lifting technology
The safety and efficiency of wind turbines and construction projects are the focus of today's announcement of a partnership between Verton and SpanSet Axzion GmbH. Verton has announced that SpanSet Axzion GmbH will be its distribution partner in more
Tunneling the friction loss
More flexibility when securing cars and trucks on vans. That's what SpanSet promises with a revised and expanded range of lashing straps, ratchets, strap controllers and hooks... read more
Obituary Hans-Otto von Danwitz
On June 12, 2021, our former and long-time employed sales manager and authorized signatory of SpanSet GmbH & Co. KG as well as former managing director of SpanSet secutex GmbH Hans-Otto von Danwitz, captain at sea, at the age of 83... read more
Starting your professional life with SpanSet
Congratulations on passing their exams: All 8 trainees of SpanSet Group Germany celebrated their successful graduation. Also for the coming year, SpanSet offers interested young people training opportunities in a varied environment... read more
Strong ribbed quality to counter wear and tear
SpanSet’s SupraPlus now with „X“
SpanSet has focused on the round sling SupraPlus again to optimise a number of features. To be able to distinguish the new version at first glance from its tried and proven predecessor, it was equipped with an addition to its name: SupraPlus will now be SupraPlus-X. ... read more
Cost-effectively and accurately achieve the maximum preload force
The TFI - Tension Force Indicator
With the "Tension Force Indicator" (TFI), specially developed for lashing straps, SpanSet offers an aid that quickly and reliably displays the actual pretensioning force applied during tie-down lashing and makes it verifiable during vehicle inspections. The TFI is installed directly on the tensioning element and reliably displays the pretensioning force achieved... read more
Lifting and Securing the Heaviest Loads: Complete Solutions for Wind Turbine Construction
New SpanSet catalog with interesting facts for the wind industry
The SpanSet Group has published a current catalog of its wind power-specific products. On 90 pages, the company summarizes its product range for the international onshore and offshore industry in order to guide decision-makers in the industry specifically to suitable solutions for the various applications... read more
Lifting beams for lifting work on nuclear facilities
Axzion certified according to KTA 1401
Axzion GmbH now offers lifting beams and other lifting equipment for the construction and dismantling of nuclear power plants. The company, which has offices in Langenfeld and Neustrelitz, recently provided proof that it meets the safety requirements of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA 1401). Axzion belongs to the SpanSet Group (Übach-Palenberg)... read more
Calculate camber, lifting and load securing
Fresh apps against the old look
Lifting technology, load securing and personal protective equipment against falls. These are three safety-relevant topics in construction - and three areas in which SpanSet offers smart tools. The "Lashing App" and "Lifting Calculator" are now followed by an app for calculating fall more
Properly APProtect at the top
SpanSet is the first supplier of personal protective equipment against falls from a height to develop a fall height calculator app. It benefits the worker as much as his boss. One checks whether the precautions are sufficient for his own safety. The other documents his risk assessment. The free offer applies exclusively to the SpanSet SP140 and DSL2... read more
Professional driver qualification: workshop for instructors
On November 12, 2019 and January 21, 2020, SpanSet will offer an advanced training seminar for instructors of the BKF advanced training at the Übach-Palenberg site. In addition to technical information about load securing, didactic aspects are also on the more
High-performance fibers for MaXafe heavy-duty lashings
50 mm force packages secure the heaviest loads
In order to further improve handling and efficiency when securing heavy machinery, SpanSet now processes a wide variety of high-performance fibers in load securing... read more
Safeline V8 - rope-guided arrester system
Safeline V8 was developed for working on buildings, wind turbines, high-bay warehouses or in plant construction. Combined with safety harnesses according to EN 361, it secures the user when climbing ladders... read more
SpanSet takes over Axzion GKS
SpanSet GmbH & Co. KG, Übach-Palenberg, has taken over Axzion GKS Stahl- und Maschinenbau GmbH. Axzion GKS records sales of 12 million euros and employs around 90 people... read more
PowerForce: Lifting strap made of high-performance fibers
SpanSet is launching an innovative lifting strap made of high-performance fibers. High cut resistance and low elongation of the fabric expand the range of more
Climb on the roof
KTG Railservice in Duisburg maintains and repairs rail vehicles. To do this, technicians regularly climb onto the roof of the locomotives and wagons, which requires careful precautions... read more