SpanSet supports Instructor, Alex as he leaves for 6 month deployment with the RAF Regiment.

Alex Barnes is a Senior Instructor at SpanSet, delivering Work at Height & Lifting training.  Alex is also a Reservist in the RAF Regiment with 609 West Riding Squadron which specialise in C-UAS (Counter Uncrewed Aerial Systems) - commonly known as drones. 

Alex has been a Reservist for over 5 years, dedicating much of his spare time and many weekends to training with the squadron. From the knowledge, skills and experience he has gained through both his role as an instructor and duty as a reservist, Lance Corporal Barnes has been requested to be involved in operations under 2 C-UAS Wing on a 5-month deployment to an overseas location.

SpanSet Training is a busy and expanding department however is happy to support Alex with his deployment as having a Team of Instructors with a wealth of experience outside of Training is important.

Alex used to be a Retained Firefighter before becoming a RAF Regiment Reservist.  Indeed, the SpanSet Instructor Team have a wealth of ‘real life’ experience including Military backgrounds, working as Telecoms Engineers and L3 IRATA Supervisors.   This is essential as understanding the environments and issues encountered by candidates every day on site, helps our Instructors to deliver better training.

609 Squadron and other CUAS Regiment Squadrons have trained at SpanSet to ensure they understand safe use of Work at Height equipment, required for operations in the UK or abroad. Courses completed include Rooftop Safety and Gotcha CRD Rescue courses.  We wish them and of course, Alex the best on their deployments.

Above - Alex Barnes pictured with 609 Squadron - Right - Alex at work at SpanSet

“I had always wanted to join the military for the experience, travel and adventure that is offered. Although I never joined as a regular, my role as a SpanSet Instructor compliments my duties as a Reservist.  I’m grateful to SpanSet for supporting me in this opportunity to deploy on current operations”. 
 Alex Barnes, Senior Instructor, SpanSet Ltd


“I believe Alex has really benefitted from being a Reservist.  Over the past 5 years he has acquired a range of skills – diligence, leadership and the ability to work as a Team.  SpanSet Instructors often work in isolation off site, the combination of being a Reservist and a SpanSet Instructor has helped Alex become a well-rounded and valued member of our Team”.  Sam Wilkinson, Training Manager, SpanSet Ltd