Meet The Team -
Tom Orford - Training Instructor
What name/nickname do you prefer to be called?
My name is Thomas, however like many Thomas’s it has been shortened to Tom which is fine with me.
If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do here, what would it be?
I’m a Height Safety/Lifting Instructor. I used to be a climbing instructor and managed Chill Factor, the Climbing Centre in Manchester. I dropped lucky getting my job at SpanSet – I had called one of my mates from Chill Factor, who now worked at SpanSet asking for directions to a business I had an interview with – he said to call in on the way back as there might be a place for me there – I did and here I am 10 years later!
What do you enjoy about the work you do?
I enjoy the diversity. I work in a wide variety of locations, from construction sites to MOD bases plus of course at the training centre here at Middlewich. I meet new people every day and it’s satisfying seeing their knowledge and skills of different products and techniques improve with training. You have to be adaptable to deal with the variety and I like that.
What are your hobbies?
We have a caravan in Brittany and I love spending holidays there walking, paddle boarding and enjoying time with the family. I also enjoy climbing, winter and water sports.
What volunteering or passion projects do you do outside of work?
I’m often working away all week so time is limited, however my passion is obviously my family and looking after them 😊